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About The Brand Director


【故事造境師】- 肩負著傳遞您故事的靈魂。


2008 年開始,正式踏入活動主持行業。至今經過近千場活動、婚禮策劃與主持,這個關於說故事的熱情開關,便再也無法被關上。而後為了能夠深度發展說故事技巧並多方位運用,到了美國攻讀品牌行銷碩士學位,並於畢業後加入當地的一間 Multicultural 行銷與廣告公司,協助美國最大零售業之一的不同種族文化行銷與活動策劃,換說另一種不同的故事。



Ever since my first experience emceeing back in 2008, I have in the past decade. Participated in nearly 600 events/weddings as either an emcee or a planner. This ignited a passion for bringing an event to life by telling the stories of people, a passion that grew stronger.


To sharpen my ability in story-telling and learn the multifaceted application, I chose to pursue a master’s degree in marketing and branding in the US. After graduation, I joined a US company specializing in multicultural marketing and advertising to learn how to tell stories in a different form by assisting one of the largest US retailers with multicultural marketing and event planning. When I returned to Taiwan to join an e-commerce start-up team that focused on US-Taiwan


online marketing, I continued to emcee and plan weddings on the side. In comparison to the fatigue, I often felt at work when bombarded with big data, the joy of seeing how people brightened up and opened their heart in the events I emceed made me realize that this job which entails close human interaction is my true calling.

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